Romanian Fried Noodle Pudding

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When researching traditional Chanukah foods, I stumbled on this recipe for Fried Noodle Pudding. While it seems different from a traditional latke, it does have a lot in common – plain starch as the main component, onions for flavor, eggs to bind, and fried in oil.

In this case, fine egg noodles are boiled until tender and a chopped onion is cooked until caramelized. The cooked noodles and caramelized onion is mixed together with some salt, pepper, and eggs.

This mixture is poured into a heated pan coated in hot oil, and cooked until a beautiful golden brown. The mixture is then flipped over, and cooked on the other side.

I enjoyed this so much that I made it several weeks in a row, reheating it at work and savoring every slightly greasy bite. Here’s my lunch pictured below, a wedge of fried noodle pudding and two Colombian buñuelos – look for that recipe coming soon!

3 thoughts on “Romanian Fried Noodle Pudding

    1. Very interesting! It very much makes sense as a pareve kugel – I grew up with a dairy kugel only, so that’s what I think of as “kugel” 🙂

  1. We always called this type Kugel and the dairy version was called noodle pudding. Thank you for this recipe since my grandmother never wrote hers down before she passed away. Also, she always made this with mushrooms as well.

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