Overnight Challah French Toast

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For the last two years, my friend Karen and I have led a fundraiser for our synagogue’s religious school, making round challot for the High Holy Days. Challot is the plural of challah, that wonderful egg bread similar to brioche, that is traditionally eaten at every Shabbat and holidays. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year, and to celebrate it, challot are traditionally round-shaped and often contain dried fruit (usually raisins) to symbolize a sweet new year.

This year, in the middle of our 20-hour day baking, we got hungry and looked to the freezer. It turned out that we somehow had several challot that had not been sold last year. Since we weren’t going to sell them this year either, we turned one into french toast to eat as lunch, and I used another to make this overnight french toast.

Challah is a wonderful bread for french toast, since it’s a enriched (sweetened) egg bread to start with. I hadn’t thought of blogging this recipe, and since I quickly put it together I failed to take any pictures of the process. However, my friends loved it and wanted to know how I made it, and I thought you all might be interested to! As with all overnight french toast recipes, the beauty is that it comes together quickly, sits in the fridge overnight, and is then baked off in the morning, leading to a quick and tasty breakfast. It also reheats beautifully – I took pieces of it to work all week, as you can see at the top 🙂

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