Earl Grey Sandwich Cookies

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Some time in middle school, I discovered English Breakfast tea, and it became one of my favorite beverages. On and off for years at a time, my day has started with a large mug of dark-brewed tea, with milk and sugar added.

As I mentioned in this post, I found a recipe several years ago for Black Tea Cardamom Cookies and was instantly intrigued. The first year I tried them, the cookies were so crumbly as to be almost impossible. The flavor seemed good, and I decided it was worth tinkering with the recipe. The second year I adjusted the dough, I believe by adding an extra egg and reducing the flour. The cookie definitely worked better, but the tea wasn’t necessarily the highlight. It was a decent spice cookie, but didn’t make a huge impression on myself or my friends.

This year, when I re-discovered the cookie, my first thought was to try re-working it yet again. And then common sense prevailed, and I went looking on Pinterest for another black tea cookie that might be better from the start. I found several recipes that seemed interesting, but I settled on these cookies.

I had an old box of Celestial Seasonings’ Victorian Earl Grey tea in the cupboard, old enough that I was worried about how potent it would be. It still smelled good, so I went ahead and used it. Obviously fresher tea would impart even more flavor, but it was still pretty amazing.

I want to share a couple of tips for rolling out the cookie dough. I have started rolling my cookies more and more on parchment  paper rather than directly on the counter. There are several good reasons for this. Rolling on parchment allows you to skip flouring the dough, which allows you to re-roll the dough scraps more times without making the dough tougher and tougher. Also, you can lift up the parchment and judge both how thick the dough is and if it’s evenly rolled based on how the light comes through the dough. If an area is “darker,” it means it’s thicker, so it’s easy to roll just that area until it’s uniform.

Another tip is to stack the dough scraps and re-roll from that, rather than gathering the scraps back into a ball. This is a tip borrowed from pie crust and laminated doughs, where it is important to keep the layers in the same orientations. This is another trick to help reduce toughness when rolling and re-rolling the dough.

The raw dough had a good tea smell to it, and I was instantly optimistic for the cookie. But it wasn’t until I started the frosting that I was really excited. The original recipe uses a cooked flour frosting, which I have made before, so I modified the recipe slightly and cooked the sugar with the flour and liquid. (Some people have trouble getting the granulated sugar to fully incorporate into the butter without any residual grit; adding the sugar to the roux eliminates that possibility without any downsides.) The concentrated double dose of tea – brewed tea as the liquid and additional dry tea for flavor – gave a wonderful taste and flavor to the frosting.

Cooked flour frostings (which have a number of different names) are really intriguing. Basically, you cook flour and a liquid together, sometimes including the sugar, until it forms a thick paste. This paste is cooled, then whipped in a stand mixer. As it is whipped, butter is slowly added to it. The speed is increased, and the frosting is whipped for a while until the butter is fully incorporated and emulsified, with a silken texture.

This beautiful frosting is then sandwiched between two cookies, and then I dare you to resist taking a bite from the first sandwich. The final cookie definitely lived up to my expectations, and it is definitely going into my keeper pile!

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